Join the 000’s of Irish Businesses/Septic Tank Households, Contractors and Regulatory Authorities making life easy for each other by sharing all waste disposal records online through   

Food Service Establishments

Waste Licence Holders 

All Premises with a Waste Licence upload waste records onto their very own Account; they can also simply request their own Contractors do it for them! Sharing this data online saves time and money whilst indicating a level of ongoing compliance and, as a result, reduce physical site inspections to a minimum.

Waste Collection Service Providers

Contractors assist their clients by uploading all waste records directly onto that clients own Account. Contractors fully manage their own (Self Branded) Account sharing clients’ waste records with Inspectorate, through the Platform. Imagine never again having to issue a copy of a lost Cert to a customer; it is securely available 24/7 online.   

Environmental Inspectorate

Regulatory Inspectorate simply conduct ‘Desktop’ monitoring of Waste Licence Holders to verify that waste records are being kept up to date; determining if a physical site inspection is required or not. Overstretched Inspectorate can then devote more time and resources to non-compliant (Red Flag) areas of concern in the knowledge that the majority are compliant through