is a totally secure online Platform designed for Waste Producers, Waste Contractors and Inspectorate in achieving compliance to Waste Licence Conditions.

More than 2,000 Irish Waste Collection Contractors in addition to 000’s of FSE (Food Service Establishments) are listed on allowing each to individually share their waste records online with Regulatory Authorities. Environmental Inspectorate then carry out ‘Desktop’ audits of online records rather than conducting time consuming physical onsite inspections. 

Document uploading is made simple, quick and easy. Please click the link below to view how to upload a document in less than 50 seconds.

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White Label your Dashboard

All users can “brand” their own dashboard with your own logo.

Onboard your clients

The process of adding clients to your own, hosted, database is as easy as adding a name and email address.

Connect Online to your Regulatory Authority
to provide Sample Analysis Result Data

Convenient forms allow you to add sample result data to help your clients comply with their Licence Conditions.

Upload all forms of Works related Documents

Uploading a Document takes a few clicks to record and share Disposal Certs etc with Inspectorate.

upload compliancy docs